FuelEU Maritime
FuelEU Maritime (FEUM) Regulation
What is FuelEU Maritime Regulation?

FuelEU Maritime Applicability
FuelEU Maritime is applicable for ships above 5,000 GT calling at EU (precisely EEA) ports, regardless of their flag. This means that EU voyages – between two EU ports (100% applicability), or from EU port to non-EU port (50% applicability), or from non-EU port to EU port (50% applicability) will fall under the scope of this FuelEU Regulation. Apart from that, energy used by ships at berth in EU/EEA ports (100% applicability) also falls under this scope. The scope could change in a scheduled review by a committee towards the end of year 2027.
Some ship types are exempt from this regulation, such as Warships, Naval Auxiliaries, Fish-catching & fish-processing ships, Ships not propelled by mechanical means, and Govt. ships used for non-commercial purposes.

Main Goals of FuelEU Maritime Regulation
Goal #1 : Reduce the GHG Intensity of the Energy used onboard
Goal #2 : Promote the use of Onshore Power Supply (OPS)
Goal #3 : Incentivize the use of Renewable Fuels and RFNBOs (Renewable Fuels of non-biological origin)
Timelines for FuelEU Maritime Regulation

Firstly, you need to submit a FuelEU Monitoring plan to your verifier on THETIS before 31st August 2024.
What is a monitoring plan? It is a document that shipowners have to create which will outline how they will monitor & report the amount of energy & fuel used by ships. If you’ve not done so by now, kindly submit it to the EU at the earliest. You can refer to our FueEU Monitoring Plan Page for additional help