EU's Monitoring, Reporting
& Verification Regulation
EU-MRV in Shipping - The Background
The EU-MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) regulation is a European Union initiative designed to monitor carbon emissions from ships and help reduce the environmental impact of maritime transport. Introduced in 2015, the EU-MRV (Regulation (EU) 2015/757) regulation applies to ships above 5,000 gross tonnage (GT) that call at ports within the European Economic Area (EEA). Ecosail provides end-to-end digital solutions to help all ship operators comply with these stringent EU-MRV regulations efficiently and cost-effectively. Let’s understand this regulation in detail :

About EU-MRV Regulation
EU-MRV’s first reporting period was from 1st January 2018. Though the EU-MRV & IMO-DCS may seem like similar regulations, there are a few differences with respect to the scope and the EU-MRV reporting requirements. We will discuss this in a later section.
The EU has defined & EMSA authorities have shared some terms such as “Port of Call”, or “Voyage” which further helps us know the applicability of this policy.
But before that, let’s look at EU-MRV Timelines :
EU-MRV Timeline & Key Dates
31 August 2017
(or within 60 days of your ship's first EU port of call)
Prepare & get your EU-MRV Monitoring Plan assessed by an accredited verifier
1 January 2018 to
31 December 2018
First reporting period for EU-MRV. Every 1st January to 31 December is taken as EU-MRV’s reporting period
30 April 2019
(henceforth 30th April of the year after the reporting year)
Emissions reports for each ship must be verified by an EU-accredited verifier
30 June 2019
(henceforth 30th June of the year after the reporting year)
the DOC (Document of Compliance) issued by the verifier is to be on-board

What is to be reported for EU-MRV?
EU-MRV Reporting Requirements
EU-MRV’s first reporting period was from 1st January 2018. Though the EU-MRV & IMO-DCS may seem like similar regulations, there are a few differences with respect to the scope and the EU-MRV reporting requirements. We will discuss this in a later section.
The EU has defined & EMSA authorities have shared some terms such as “Port of Call”, or “Voyage” which further helps us know the applicability of this policy.
But before that, let’s look at EU-MRV Timelines :