CII Ratings
Carbon Intensity Indicator
What is CII? CII Ratings Explained
The IMO is a UN Agency that adopts & develops regulations to ensure that international shipping is safe, secure & pollution-free. One of its goals is to ensure that international shipping takes measures to meet UN SDGs.

What does CII measure?
CII measures a ship’s carbon emissions relative to the cargo she carries, over a given distance. CII Rating for ships is designed to monitor and reduce the carbon intensity. This rating reflects how efficiently a vessel transports cargo based on its CO2 emissions. Ships are rated on a scale of A to E:
- A : Major Superior – Outstanding Performance
- B : Minor Superior – Above Average
- C : Compliant – Acceptable, meeting regulations
- D : Minor Inferior – Below Average
- E : Inferior – Non-compliant & needing action
Attained CII, Reference CII & Required CII
Attained CII :
The actual carbon intensity of a vessel, calculated based on the ship’s fuel consumption, cargo carried, and distance traveled over a specific period
Required CII :
The target CII a ship must achieve based on IMO regulations & ship-type based. It is determined by IMO’s goals
Required CII :
The baseline CII established for a specific ship type and size category. This CIIref is used to calculate CIIreq and set reduction targets over time.

CII Ratings for Ships
CII Ratings Formula simply put is based on the ratio of the Attained CII to the Required CII of the Vessel.
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