Ecosail Infotech

FuelEU Maritime Regulation

Eco-compliance Module - Ecosail Infotech

Introduction to EU's FuelEU Maritime Regulation

EU-MRV monitors, reports & verifies fuel consumption of voyages calling Europe’s ports. EU-ETS  . Here are the Goals of FuelEU:


  1. Reduce the GHG Intensity of Energy onboard
  2. Promote the use of Onshore Power Supply (OPS)
  3. Incentivize the use of Renewable Fuels (especially RFNBOs)



Rather than self-calculate just for compliance, this module helps you to gather insights for smart decision-making,  so that you can save fuel, improve your CII Ratings & estimate many things ahead of time. Here are some features:

IMO-DCS and CII Rating by Ecosail

Why FuelEU Maritime Regulation is in place?

EU-MRV & EU-ETS are 

The rising volume of World trade has made decarbonizing essential in Shipping in order to meet all targets outlined by the Paris Agreement

FuelEU Maritime Regulation is a part of EU’s “Fit-for-55” framework.

CII Calculator

What ships does FuelEU apply to?

We equip vessels with advanced sensors to continuously monitor the hull condition & performance parameters.

Fleet Owners & Managers will get to see real-time data on the ship helping to make decisions like hull-cleaning plan, and thousands of other operational adjustments to lessen drag & improve fuel efficiency

Its effective, accurate, easy-to-use and ROI-friendly.

EU-MRV by Ecosail


EU-MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) and ETS (Emissions Trading System) are key regulatory frameworks implemented by the EU to address GHGs from the Maritime Industry.

Ecosail’s module facilitates compliance with EU-MRV by providing customized reports, verifier-compatible and uploadable uploads. 

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Compliance with UK-MRV regulations is essential for ships operating in UK waters to ensure transparency & accountability in their environmental performance. 

Our module is designed to integrate seamlessly with UK- MRV systems & platforms, streamlining the reporting process for shipping companies. By analyzing emissions data & identifying areas for improvement, companies can optimize their operations & minimize their carbon footprint.

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How can Ecosail help in FuelEU Compliance

The Module has a vessel reporting feature with which you can effortlessly track vessel performance, fuel consumption, emissions & compliance metrics with our intuitive and comprehensive vessel reporting feature

Using this module keeps you on the know about needs of the machines in the Vessel. Our ability to integrate it with your Vessel’s existing systems saves your time & makes it more intelligent as a system

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