Ecosail Infotech

IMO-DCS Reporting

IMO-DCS and CII Reporting - Ecosail

(IMO-Data Collection System)

Starting from 1st January 2019, ships of 5000 GT & above were required to calculate fuel consumption data of each type of fuel used in the Ship, apart from other specified data by the IMO.

Rather than self-calculate just for compliance, this module helps you to gather insights for smart decision-making so that you can save fuel, improve your CII Ratings & estimate many things ahead of time.

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Timeline for reporting to the DCS

  1.  All the data required by IMO will be reported to the Flag State. Data is supposed to be from 1st Jan to 31st Dec of that year. The data has to be verified by a verifier & sent to the Flag State before 30th April
  2. The Flag State issues a declaration of compliance to the Ship
  3. Based on these, the IMO sends an annual report to the following MEPC.  The GISIS platform 

This greatly helps to save fuel & it improves operational efficiency, enabling your vessel to adhere to the planned routes. 

Optimal Routing leads to lesser fuel emissions

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Ecosail can help you with IMO-DCS

We help Ship Managers and Owners to save time and gain precious insights about their Ship’s emissions.

Fleet Owners & Managers will get to see real-time data so that they can identify how to increase the efficiency. Using the right DCS tools 

Its effective, accurate, easy-to-use and ROI-friendly.

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Vessel & Machinery Performance

This service enables the use of IoT in Ships. With the help of sensors, our module is able to access any predictive maintenance needs through its learning capabilities

Using this module keeps you on the know about needs of the machines in the Vessel. Our ability to integrate it with your Vessel’s existing systems saves your time & makes it more intelligent as a system

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