Ecosail Infotech

CII for Ships

CII - Carbon Intensity Indicator for Ships

Eco-compliance Module - Ecosail Infotech

Background about CII

The IMO (International Maritime Organization) is a specialized agency of the UN which sets global standards for safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. To ensure that the Shipping Sector meets UN’s SDGs, the MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) holds meetings that guides the maritime community about environmental issues. The MEPC has come up with SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) & EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index).  CII is an integral part of the SEEMP. 

What is CII?

CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) is a measure of operational efficiency of Ships. In the 76th session of IMO’s MEPC in 2021, the CII Rating was introduced as an amendment to MARPOL Annex VI in SEEMP II. 


CII is measured by taking into account many factors. 

IMO-DCS and CII Rating by Ecosail

The CII Rating System

CII provides a rating system to grade ships. This gets categorized according to GT, DWT of ships

IMO-DCS reporting is crucial for ensuring transparency and accountability in the maritime industry regarding ship emissions.

Any vessel rated E, or rated D for 3 years in a row will have to submit a corrective action plan that explains the efforts that will be taken to achieve an acceptable rating (C or above). This plan must be approved by Flag State or any Recognized Organisation (RO) as accepted by the IMO.

CII Calculator

CII Calculator & Predictor

We equip vessels with advanced sensors to continuously monitor the hull condition & performance parameters.

Fleet Owners & Managers will get to see real-time data on the ship helping to make decisions like hull-cleaning plan, and thousands of other operational adjustments to lessen drag & improve fuel efficiency

Its effective, accurate, easy-to-use and ROI-friendly.

EU-MRV by Ecosail

Reference, Required & Attained CII

Reference CII

Reference CII (CIIref) is the initial CII value of the vessel type with reference to the base year – 2019.

Ecosail’s module facilitates compliance with EU-MRV by providing customized reports, verifier-compatible and uploadable uploads. 

Required CII

The required CII is the CII that the vessel must attain. This required CII value depends on the Year under consideration, as every year has a fixed reduction factor. This reduction factor means that with every passing year, the CII will be stricter.

Attained CII

Attained CII is the actual CII of the Ship. 

Upcoming Service


Compliance with UK-MRV regulations is essential for ships operating in UK waters to ensure transparency & accountability in their environmental performance. 

Our module is designed to integrate seamlessly with UK- MRV systems & platforms, streamlining the reporting process for shipping companies. By analyzing emissions data & identifying areas for improvement, companies can optimize their operations & minimize their carbon footprint.

Upcoming Service

Vessel Reporting

The Module has a vessel reporting feature with which you can effortlessly track vessel performance, fuel consumption, emissions & compliance metrics with our intuitive and comprehensive vessel reporting feature

Using this module keeps you on the know about needs of the machines in the Vessel. Our ability to integrate it with your Vessel’s existing systems saves your time & makes it more intelligent as a system

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